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Notifications overview

Learn about common account issues and how to resolve them for optimal results.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Notifications alert you to issues affecting an account's performance. Use notifications to help you focus; resolving these alerts daily will improve performance.

Viewing notifications

You can find account notifications in Fluency in two ways. Expand open the dropdowns for step-by-step guides for each approach.

In Notifications

Go to Insights and then Notifications in the left menu to see alerts for all accounts.

Best practices

  • Search: Use the Notification section's search bar to find specific notifications or accounts.

  • Hide: Customize the alerts you see via edit mode. Click "Shown" or "Hidden" to display or hide specific notifications.

  • Sort: Organize notifications by alert type or account name (View by Notification/Account).

  • Mute: Silence alerts by clicking the three dots next to the description. You can mute alerts for "7 Days," "30 Days," or indefinitely ("Forever"). To see muted alerts, toggle on "Show Muted" under Notifications Settings (gear icon).

Note: Muting an alert "forever" only applies to the current notification. If the issue reoccurs in the future after the initial notification is resolved, the alert will reappear.

What notification colors indicate

Notifications are color-coded to show their impact level on the account:

  • Red: High (most critical)

  • Blue: Elevated

  • Yellow: Normal

In Manage

This option allows you to view issues related to a specific account.

Click Manage in the left menu, then Accounts, and select an account from the list. Click the bell icon in the top-right to view notifications for that account.

Best practices

  • Click Show on an alert to navigate to the error within Fluency.

  • Click Mute or Unmute on an alert to mute or unmute it.

  • Toggle on or off Show Muted at the bottom of the dropdown to reveal or hide muted notifications.

Resolving notifications

You'll find a tool called "Workshop" in the sidebar in Notifications. This tool will guide you through resolving alerts, step by step. Start by clicking Start Resolving on the main Notifications page to work through each workshop item or the three dots to the right of the description and select Open in Workshop.

Notification types

Note: The wrench icon (πŸ”§) indicates when you can resolve a notification in the Workshop. All notifications below are updated in real time unless otherwise specified

Ad serving

πŸ”§ Expired Messaging Concerns

  • Ads that could be running past their intended end date, e.g., expired holiday ads or ad text with dates in the past.

  • Common Resolution: Use the Workshop to edit the ad content or pause your ads.

Account On-Hold

  • A user has placed these accounts on hold.

  • Common Resolution: Adjust the Account Hold toggle in Accounts > Settings & Tools > Budget Settings.

Call Extensions

  • Occurs when call extensions are missing or when multiple call extensions are applied to the same campaign or ad group.

  • Common Resolution: Add call extensions. If there are multiple call extensions, remove those that are unused.

Destination URLs With Problems (updated every 3 days)

  • Any ad group level destination URL that is returning a landing page error code.

  • Common Resolution: Test the landing page to determine the cause.

Disapproved Ad Extensions (real time, based on hourly data)

  • Ad Extensions that have been disapproved on either Google or Bing

  • Common Resolution: Resolve the alert based on the disapproval reason given by the partner.

Limited/Disapproved Ads (updated hourly)

  • Ads that have been disapproved by the advertising platforms (these run hourly)

  • Common Resolution: Resolve the alert based on the disapproval reason given by the partner. These may include spelling & grammar issues, the use of a trademarked term, destination mismatches, etc.

Serving Alerts

  • Occurs when there are issues with your ad being served.

  • Common Resolution: Check for missing Ad Groups, Creatives, Keywords, etc.

Budget and spend

πŸ”§ Budget Alignment Alerts

  • Shows budget discrepancies that exist within your account.

  • Common Resolution: Accept the Applied Budget as the Account Budget or edit the campaign-level budgets so the total amount matches the Account Budget.

πŸ”§ Budget Reallocation Recommendations

  1. Cost per conversion

  2. Conversion volume

  3. Cost-per-click

  • Common Resolution: Accept, reject, or edit the budget based on the recommendation amount in the Workshop. You can also automate this in Automate> Recommendation Policies.

    Note: Fluency only calculates this recommendation between the 8th and the 25th of each month.

πŸ”§ Grouped Budget Concerns

  • For customers using campaign groups, this alert shows when the Budget Group amount does not match the Approved Budget amount.

  • Common Resolution: Use the Workshop to update the Approved Budget for that Budget Group.

Account Budget Exhausted

  • When the Pause Campaigns When Exhausted toggle is enabled, you will receive this alert when the Approved Account Budget has been met for the month.

  • Common Resolution: Adjust the Approved Budget to an amount greater than what is currently set. To avoid this in the following month, choose an appropriate pacing strategy for your campaign-level budgets.

Budget Authority Concerns

  • Shows when an outside source is influencing budgets that have a chosen Pacing Strategy (e.g., when a payment method has expired with a partner such as Google, Facebook, etc.).

  • Common Resolution: Check that the payment method selected with the partner is valid and up-to-date.

Incorrectly Linked Accounts

  • Occurs when there is an error connecting to the advertising partner ID.

  • Common Resolution: Check the Customer ID in Accounts > Settings & Tools > Partner Accounts.

Zero Spend Accounts

  • Identifies accounts with non-spend, an approved budget greater than $0, and have campaigns enabled.

  • Common Resolution: Check for possible issues with your campaigns. The Campaign Analyzer can be useful.

    Note: Applies to budgets that are not Read-Only and not On Hold.

Zero Spend Campaigns

  • Alert occurs when at least one campaign tied to a specific budget has no spend for the last 7 days.

  • Common Resolution: Ensure your campaign has active ad groups, keywords, and ads.

Compliance review

Ad Copy Compliance Concerns

  • Customize this alert to identify language in your ads that may violate compliance rules. Set this up with your Advertising Engineer.

  • Common Resolution: Pause or edit your ad(s) in Manage

Launch and account management

Account Synchronization Errors (updated when account sync runs)

  • Shows problems synchronizing with partner accounts.

  • Common Resolution: Check that the accounts are live at the advertising partner.

Domain Configuration Concerns

  • Identifies potential issues with your domain, protocol, or sub-domain (such as redirects).

  • Common Resolution: Read the alert description for more information or check if your protocol or sub-domain is redirecting.

Client Requested Change

  • The end advertiser has requested changes in CoLab.

  • Common Resolution: Review the request and accept or reject the requested changes.

Performance health

Performance Concerns (updated at 5 a.m. daily)

  • Identifies when metric performance falls outside the parameters as defined in Performance Bounds.

  • Common Resolution: Performance Concerns are determined by user-defined benchmarks. Set realistic Performance Bounds to reduce this alert.

Learning Spend Concerns (real time, updated daily)

  • Identifies Facebook ad sets that are in learning mode.

  • Common Resolution: Contact Facebook support about why the ad sets are in learning mode.

Month over Month Concerns (updated at 5 a.m. daily)

  • Generates a PDF to highlight instances where metric performance drops by at least 20% from the previous month.

  • Common Resolution: Open the PDF via the provided link to investigate performance changes.

System info and alerts

Duplicate Partner References

  • More than one account is linked to the same partner reference ID.

  • Common Resolutions:

  1. Edit the account with the incorrect partner ID via Accounts > Settings & Tools > Partner Accounts.

  2. Remove one of the accounts at the customer level from Settings & Tools > Accounts Management.

General Notifications

  • Routes partner emails into Notifications.

  • Common Resolution: Mute the alert after you review the partner email.

Google Verification Requests

  • Google is requiring identity verification to continue running the account.

  • Common Resolution: Start or complete the verification process with Google by clicking on the provided link.

Linked Accounts

  • Identifies how third-party accounts such as Google Merchant Center and Google My Business may be improperly linked.

  • Common Resolution: Read the description for more info and visit Settings & Tools > Accounts Management to follow the appropriate steps to link them.

Monitored Webhooks

  • Gain deeper insight into system issues with configurable webhook events.

  • Common Resolution: Resolve in Automate > Webhooks.

Partner Errors

  • Identifies errors within various partner advertising platforms.

  • Common Resolution: Use the dropdown next to the account name for a detailed description of the error and steps for resolution.

Product Catalog Count Issues

  • Finds potential issues with Product Catalogs, including product counts and validation errors.

  • Common Resolution: Read the alert description for more information. Investigate product data feed and/or Product Catalogs:

  1. Account Settings > Catalogs or

  2. Settings & Tools > Catalogs

Relaunch Issues

  • Shows accounts that have failed to relaunch a specific Blueprint.

  • Common Resolution: Read the alert description for more information. Investigate product data feed and/or Product Catalogs in Accounts > Blueprint Data > Catalogs.

Stale Data Alerts

  • Identifies data sources that have failed to update for an account more than three consecutive times.

  • Common Resolution: Verify that your data source is updating.

Targeting and keywords

πŸ”§ Blocked Positive Keywords (updated at 5 a.m. daily)

  • Identifies keywords that conflict with your negative keywords.

  • Common Resolution: Use the Workshop to edit, pause, or remove the keywords or negative keywords.

πŸ”§ Keyword Analysis Tasks (updated at 5 a.m. daily)

  • Identifies keyword level recommendations for your accounts, such as keyword bid decreases/increases or adding/removing keywords.

  • Common Resolution: Use the Workshop to accept or reject the recommendations. Click through to Keyword Recommendations for a full-page experience.

Missing Geo Targets

  • Geographic location is not set in a campaign.

  • Common Resolution: Follow the link to the campaign and set the location targeting. Alternatively, use Blueprints to set targeted geos.

Out of Country Spend (updated at 5 a.m. daily)

  • Account is spending outside of its country of residence.

  • Common Resolution: Check your location in Campaigns > Targeting > Locations. Consider setting your geo targeting method to "People in your targeted locations."

Questionable User Targeting

  • When there are issues with your advertisements being served.

What's next? Learn about Anomalies, another type of Fluency notification.

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