Step #1: Set up a Blueprint and Facebook campaign
Go to Automate (rocket icon) in the left menu.
Select Blueprint Editor.
Click + Blueprint on the top-left. Choose Build from Scratch. Enter a name for the blueprint and choose a vertical. Alternatively, select an existing Blueprint from the list on the left.
Toward the bottom of the Blueprint, click + New Campaign and select Facebook.
Enter a name for the campaign.
Under Goal, pick an ad objective (App Promotion, Awareness, Engagement, Leads, Sales, or Traffic).
Continue filling out your settings. The following fields are required:
Budget & Bidding: Budget
Geo Targeting: Default Geo Strategy
Fill in additional campaign settings, as needed.
Click Save Changes.
Step #2: Create an ad group and add creatives
In your Facebook campaign, click + New Ad Group at the bottom of the page—you may need to scroll down.
Configure your Facebook ad group settings.
Add creatives.