Meta (Facebook) ad sets are configured via ad groups in Fluency. Use ad sets to configure budgets, schedules, audiences, and placements. Add your creatives here, and Fluency will help you manage and optimize your advertising efforts.
Finding ad set settings
In Blueprints
Go to Automate (rocket icon) in the left menu.
Select Blueprint Editor.
Select a Blueprint in the list—then a Meta campaign and an ad group.
In Manage
Go to Manage (globe icon) in the left menu.
Select Accounts.
Select an account with a Meta campaign.
Select a campaign, an ad group, and then Settings & Tools under Ad Group Actions near the top.
Ad set settings overview
In Blueprints
The available ad set settings for Meta campaigns in Blueprints are grouped in the following sections in Fluency:
Select a link above or read on to learn about the available settings.
Basic settings
Required settings
Launch Status: Enabled or Paused
Performance goal: Select from Link Clicks (Traffic), Landing Page Views, Impressions, Reach, or Conversion Events.
Ad Delivery Optimization: Determines how to best display your ads to achieve your campaign objectives effectively and efficiently. Choose from Impressions, Reach, Thruplay, Two-second continuous video views, or Ad Recall Lift.
Optional settings
Existing Ad Group Matching Strategy (Advanced function)
Budget Weight (%)
Budget Spend Limits: The maximum spend limit on how much you can spend on an ad set. Minimum spend is a target and is the lowest range of how it should be spent. This only applies if a budget weight percentage exists. If nothing is set, then spend cap is used.
When you get charged: Select an option to determine when you pay for your ad
Use Dynamic Creative Ad: Toggle on if you plan to use a dynamic creative ad. When using this creative type, each ad group can contain only one creative. Create separate ad groups for each dynamic creative ad.
Custom Attributes
Select a start and end date.
Tracking settings
Conversion Pixel: Input Auto and Fluency will find the first pixel set up in Business Manager. Otherwise, enter the name of the pixel for the conversion event.
Conversion Event: Click the field for a dropdown of standard events.
In Manage
The available ad set settings for Meta campaigns include: