Tracking and remarketing

Add tracking info to URLs for detailed ad click source analysis.

Updated over a week ago

Tracking templates (in Meta: URL Parameters) and final URL suffixes allow you to add tracking information to the end of a final URL so that you can track the source of an ad click and other important details like the device type, location, and keyword. These can be created at either the campaign or ad group level.

How tracking templates work

Tracking templates typically begin with {lpurl}, which inserts the final URL you've set in the ad. That's followed by a question mark (?) and the parameters you want to track. Fluency automatically adds the {lpurl}? so you don't need to include it. Parameters are predefined values enclosed in curly brackets, such as {device}. If there are multiple tracking templates defined at different levels, the most specific one is used.

Key guidelines for setting up tracking templates:

  • Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

  • You don't need to add a "?" or "&" before the first parameter.

  • In cases where a Blueprint has campaigns with multiple partners, such as Google and Microsoft, you can insert utm_source={partnername} into the tracking template to send the correct information to the respective partner.

Tracking template examples

Example (no parameters):

  • Traffic source: Google

  • Medium: Ad

  • Campaign: "campaign"

  • Tracking template: utm_source=google&utm_medium=ad&utm_campaign=campaign

Example (with parameters):

  • Landing page URL:

  • Tracking template: utm_source={partnername}&utm_keyword={keyword}&utm_campaign=pmax

  • Partner name: Google

  • Keyword: Weather

  • Final URL:

Example (using tags and parameters):

  • Tracking template: utm_source={partnername}&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=dealership_[inventory.make]&utm_term={keyword}

How final URL suffixes work

A final URL suffix is similar to a tracking template but it is used to add parameters to the end of the final URL to track ad click sources and other information. To create a final URL suffix, you can remove the {lpurl}? from a tracking template.

Final URL suffix examples


  • No parameters: utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc

  • With parameters: utm_source={partnername}&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=vla_new&utm_content={creative}

  • Partner name: Google

  • Creative ID: 12

  • The final output: http://www./?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=vla_new&

Example: Using tracking templates and URL suffixes

Let's look at an example using both a tracking template and URL suffix:

  • Tracking Template: utm_source={partnername}&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign={_fcycmp}

    • Partner name: Google

    • Campaign name {_fcycmp}: greenplants

  • Final URL Suffix: fluencyref=fluency&tcdcmpid={fcycmpid}&tcdadid={creative}&tcdkwid={_fcykwid}

    • Fluency's campaign ID {fcycmpid}: 1234

    • Creative ID: 21

    • Fluency's keyword ID {_fcykwid}: 4321

List of tracking template parameters

Expand the rows below for comprehensive lists of general and Fluency-specific tracking template parameters:

General parameters

  • Google's ValueTrack parameters full list

  • Microsoft Ad's full list

Commonly Used Parameters

  • {campaignid} - The campaign ID. Use this when you’ve set up your tracking info at the account level and want to know which campaign served your ad.

  • {adgroupid} - The ad group ID. Use this when you’ve set up your tracking info at the account or campaign level and want to know which ad group served your ad.

  • {feeditemid} - The ID of the feed-based or legacy asset that was clicked.

  • {extensionid} - The ID of the asset-based or upgraded asset that was clicked.

  • {targetid} - The ID of the keyword (labeled “kwd”), dynamic search ad (“dsa”) target, remarketing list target (“aud”), or product partition (“pla”) that triggered an ad.

  • {loc_interest_ms} - The ID of the location of interest that helped trigger the ad.

  • {loc_physical_ms} - The ID of the geographical location of the click.

  • {matchtype} - The match type of the keyword that triggered your ad: “e” for exact, “p” for phrase, or “b” for “broad.”

  • {network} - Where the click came from: “g” for Google search, “s” for a search partner, or “d” for the Display Network.

  • {device} - What device the click came from: “m” for mobile (including WAP), “t” for tablet, and “c” for computer.

  • {creative} - Unique ID for your ad.

  • {keyword} - The keyword from your account that matches the search query, unless you are using a Dynamic Search ad, which returns a blank value.

  • {placement} - The content site where your ad was clicked or the matching placement targeting criteria for the site where your ad was clicked.

  • {target} - A placement category (works with placement-targeted campaigns only).

Note: Parameters with IDs are always numeric.

Fluency-specific parameters

  • {_fcycmpid} - Fluency's campaign ID

  • {_fcyagid} - Fluency's ad Group ID

  • {_fcykwid} - Fluency's keyword ID

  • {_fcycvid} - Fluency's creative ID

  • {_fcycmp} - Campaign name

  • {_rcfcycmp} - Campaign name with original capitalization

  • {_sefcycmp} - Campaign name with standard URL encoding (or )—e.g., space is encoded as %20percent encoding

  • {_partnercmp} - Campaign name at partner (if different than in Fluency)

  • {_rcpartnercmp} - Campaign name at partner with original capitalization

  • {_separtnercmp} - Campaign name at partner with standard URL encoding

  • {_fcyag} - Ad group name

  • {_rcfcyag} - Ad group name with original capitalization

  • {_sefcyag} - Ad group name with standard URL encoding

  • {_partnerag} - Ad group name at partner

  • {_rcpartnerag} - Ad group name at partner with original capitalization

  • {_separtnerag} - Ad group name with standard URL encoding


Custom parameter: {_fcycmp}=fluency_brand

Tracking template: campaign={_fcycmp}

The final URL:

Note: The tracking template and final URL suffix can contain a combination of both Fluency- and partner-supported parameters.

How to set up tracking templates

Tracking templates in Blueprints

Implementing a tracking template at the Blueprint level allows you to add and manage the parameters in one place. Here's how:

  1. Go to Blueprints in the top menu.

  2. Click on a Blueprint from the list—then choose a campaign, ad group, and/or creative.

  3. Scroll to the correct section for your chosen ad element and complete the following fields:

    • For a campaign, open the Tracking & Remarketing dropdown, and enter your Tracking Template (in Meta: URL Parameters) and/or Final URL Suffix.

    • For an ad group, open the Tracking dropdown, and enter your Tracking Template and/or Final URL Suffix.

    • For a creative, scroll to the Creative Assets section, and enter the URL Parameter (Meta only).

  4. Click Save Changes.

Tracking templates in specific accounts

  1. Go to Manage in the top menu.

  2. Click on an account in the list.

  3. Select a campaign or an ad group, and go to their settings in the top right ("Campaign Settings" or "Ad Group Settings" button).

  4. Enter a Tracking Template and/or Final URL Suffix under the Basic tab (in Meta: URL Parameters).

  5. Click Save.

Note: If the campaign or ad group is linked to a Blueprint, making changes in Manage will lock the field. You will need to unlock the field if you want the campaign or ad group to sync with the Blueprint again.

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