Set up budgets specific to a campaign in the Budget & Bidding section of the Blueprint campaign settings. Use these settings to divide the budget among different campaigns during launch.
Budget & Bidding fields in Blueprint campaign settings
Budget: The value entered here is a proportion of the total launch budget.
If you are launching two campaigns and you want them to have an equal amount of budget applied to both, enter 1 in this field for both campaigns. If you want one campaign to have 25% of the budget and 75% for the other, enter 1 for one blueprint campaign and 3 for the other.
If you have 3 campaigns, entering 1 in this field for all the campaigns will split the budget equally (~33%).
Exact Budget Amount: Toggle on if you want to set the campaign monthly budget to an exact dollar amount in the Budget field during launch.
Bid Strategy
Bidding Strategy Goal Type
Linked Budget
Budget Frequency (Facebook)
Target CPA (Google)
Portfolio Bidding Strategy (Google)
Note: Available Budget & Bidding settings vary depending on the campaign type.