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Account audiences

Manage eligible audiences across channels.

Updated over a week ago

Fluency offers a detailed list of eligible audiences for each channel (Display, Facebook, and Search), and lets you effortlessly create new audiences directly within the platform.

Navigating to the account audiences list

  1. Go to Manage in the top menu.

  2. Click on an account in the list.

  3. Click the Account Settings button on the top right.

  4. Select the Audiences tab.

Eligible audiences by channel

In this view, you can observe all audiences imported or created at the partner level:

Here is a detailed overview of each field's purpose from the table above:

  • User List Name: The name of the audience, followed by a unique ID in parentheses (Note: This ID is generated by Fluency)

  • Partner: Google Ads or Meta

  • Status: The status directly imported from the partner—for instance, if the audience is from Google Ads and its membership status is "Open," it will be displayed as "Enabled" in Fluency.

  • Est Size: Estimated number of people that may be reached

  • List Type: Audience’s type directly, defined by the partner

  • Tracking Codes: Piece of code—for example, Facebook Pixel

Note: If the "User List Name" field is highlighted in green, you have the ability to make adjustments by clicking directly on the name. For instance, you can modify the "Name," "Description," or "Membership Lifespan (in Days)" fields, the last of which dictates how long users will stay in your audience segment after initially meeting the inclusion criteria.

How to create an audience

In Fluency, you have the ability to create rule-based audiences, specifically for website visitors without the option for other audience types.

  1. In the Audiences tab in account settings, click the + Create New Audience button.

  2. Select Website Visitors (Rule Based) in the dropdown.

  3. Complete the form:

    1. Assign a name (e.g., Contact Page Visitors).

    2. Provide a description (e.g., people who visited the contact page on the website).

    3. Set the duration that users will remain in your audience segment once they meet the inclusion criteria (the membership lifespan).

    4. Select whether you want to include people that match "any" or "every" rule group.

    5. Add a rule by typing the key, selecting the operator and entering the value:

      • Key: Refers to the attribute or characteristic you want to target. For example, it could be a specific page on your website URL.

      • Value: Represents the specific criteria or content associated with the chosen key. For instance, if the key is "url," the value could be the segment of the URL for a particular page you want to target, such as "contact."

      • Operator options include Contains, Ends With, Equals, Does Not Contain, Does Not End With, Not Equals, Starts With, and Does Not Start With. For example, url Contains contact.

  4. (Optional) Click the + Add Rule Group button to add additional rule groups.

  5. Click Create & Save this Audience.

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