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Setting up Blueprint custom audiences for retargeting
Setting up Blueprint custom audiences for retargeting

Retarget engaged users to boost high-quality leads and campaign impact.

Updated over 2 months ago

Blueprint custom audiences enable you to retarget users who have engaged with your ads before. This tool strengthens the impact of ad campaigns, increasing your ability to generate high-quality leads from interested users.

Use this article to set up custom audiences for specific accounts.

Initial steps to setting up Blueprint custom audiences

  1. Go to Automate (rocket icon) in the left menu.

  2. Select Blueprint Editor.

  3. Choose a Blueprint from the list (or create a Blueprint and then resume these instructions).

  4. Open the Settings & Configuration section, and go to the Audiences tab.

  5. If this is your first engagement audience for the Blueprint, click Add one now? Otherwise, click + Add Audience.

  6. Name your audience. Note: You will need this name later for the Custom User Lists field in your ad group settings (Meta only).

  7. Click the dropdown under List Type and select an option:

    • Rules Based Audience

    • Video Engagement (Meta)

    • Instant Experience Engagement (Meta)

    • Lead Form Engagement (Meta)

    • Page Engagement (Meta)

    • Instagram Engagement (Meta)

    • Not Fluency Managed (Link by Name)

  8. Enter a Membership Duration in Days. This is the number of days (e.g., 30) someone will stay in this audience before being removed.

Custom audience set-up based on list type

The rest of the fields to complete for a Blueprint audience depend on the "List Type" you chose in the previous steps. The fields fall in two main "buckets": Rule Based and Engagement.

Setting up rules-based audiences

If you select Rules Based Audience under List Type, follow these additional steps:

  1. To specify a partner, click + Add Tracking and select either Google or Facebook.

  2. Enter the tracking ID (Pixel ID for Facebook).

  3. Choose a strategy under Audience Rule Strategy.

  4. Add a match value under Audience Rule Values. Note: Audience rule values are only necessary for Visitors to Page and Visitors by Time Spent (See example below for rule values for Visitors to Page).

Setting up engagement audiences (Meta/Facebook only)

If you chose Video Engagement, Instant Experience Engagement, Lead Form Engagement, Page Engagement, Instagram Engagement under List Type, follow these additional steps:

Note: For Video Engagement, make sure the videos are in the Blueprint ad (Blueprint > Campaign > Ad Group > Creative). Toggle on Upload to Page? at the bottom of the Creative menu in the ad group.

  1. Click + Add Engagement Rules.

  2. Select the relevant Engagement Type and Source.

  3. Enter a match value to complete the engagement rule.

    1. *new* - contains "new"

    2. new* - must start with "new"

    3. *new - must end with new

    4. -*new* - can't contain "new"

    5. n*w - must start with "n" and end with "w"

    6. new - must exactly match "new"

      Note: Use wildcards for the match value. Rules must match existing sources or you will get errors in Manage and the audience will not appear in Facebook Business Manager. For example, you must have a lead campaign that matches your rules in order for the audience to get generated and sent to Facebook.

  4. Copy the Blueprint audience's name—you'll need this in a few steps.

  5. In the left sidebar, select the campaign and then the ad group that you want to target.

  6. Expand the Targeting section.

  7. In the Custom User Lists field, enter—or paste in—the Blueprint audience's name (Note: You copied this in a previous step).

  8. To exclude an audience, place a minus sign (-) in front of the audience name in the Custom User Lists field.

  9. Click Save Changes.

Note: After you publish your Blueprint, you'll see your audience(s) within Manage > Accounts > Select an account, campaign, and ad group > Ad Group Settings & Tools > Targeting > Audiences.

Linking pre-existing audiences to Fluency

To link pre-existing audiences to Fluency, select Not Fluency Managed under List Type and enter the audience name in the Name field.

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