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Location-targeting syntax
Location-targeting syntax

Fine-tune a campaign’s location targeting with Fluency's advanced parameters.

Updated over 3 months ago

Fluency offers multiple parameters and functions to target campaigns to specific locations. Use these guidelines to fine-tune your location targeting for optimal results.

Location-targeting parameters

  • Country

  • State/Region

  • Counties

  • DMA (Designated Market Area)

  • City

  • Postal Code

  • Specific Address Radius

  • Drive Time Radius

Fluency-defined syntax

Use predefined targeting options associated with the location of an account:

  • drive:## - The number of minutes it takes to drive to the location (drive:20)

  • driveRadius:## - The radius is determined by the number of minutes it takes to drive

  • driveRadius:##:Y - The number of minutes it takes to drive with a maximum radius of Y (driveRadius:30:10)

  • drive:##@ - The number of minutes it takes to drive to a specific address (drive:30@100 Bank St, Burlington, VT 05401)

  • drive+:## - The number of minutes it takes to drive to the location, with degradation the further you get away from the main address

  • convert:zip to radius ##### - The zip code you would like to convert to radius targeting. Note: You can also select Convert Postal Codes To Radius Targets under Postal Code Use.

  • radius:## - The radius (in miles) around the location

  • radius:##@ - The radius (in miles) around a specific address (radius:30@100 Bank St, Burlington, VT 05401)

  • radius:##@(lat,long) - The radius (in miles) around a specific latitude and longitude (radius:30@(44.4751233,-73.2008287))

  • ##### - The zip code you would like to target

  • national or country - Targets the nation/country of the account location

  • state or province - Targets the state/province of the account location

  • city or town - Targets the city/town of the account location

  • county - Targets the county of the location

  • all states - Targets all states in the country of residence

  • continental - Targets all states in the continental United States

  • other states - Targets any state outside of the account's state or that's not covered by the geo-targeting radius

  • other countries - Targets any country outside of the account's country or that's not covered by the geo-targeting radius

  • outside north america - Targets all areas outside North America


  • Use commas and no spaces if locations are in list form in a data source. For example: "country,city,country" or "radius:XY,country,city,country"

  • The default unit of distance is miles. To set a radius in kilometers, add "km" after the number (e.g., radius:10km).

Using canonical name format for geographical locations

At times, different locations may have the same name, such as Georgia (state) and Georgia (country) or Springfield (MO) and Springfield (IL). To avoid confusion, format geographic locations using the Canonical Name format (e.g., Georgia,United States or Springfield,Missouri,UnitedStates).

Excluding locations

Exclude a location by adding a hyphen "-" before the target (e.g., -Other Countries, -Seattle, -95014, etc.). Google does not allow the use of negative radii.

Location bid adjustments

Include location bid adjustments to your targeting by adding ->###% after the target. For example:

  • drive:30->110%

  • national->150%

  • radius:30@100 Bank St, Burlington, VT 05401->120%

Aligned and localized targeting

In rarer situations, you can also input aligned or localized to manage competition between accounts. Aligned targeting eliminates competition between accounts with nearby business locations, while localized targeting fine-tunes strategies within the same account. Explore simple steps for implementation and examples below.

Aligned targeting

Aligned targeting prevents competition between accounts with nearby business locations. In the Geo Strategy field, enter "aligned" followed by your geotarget on the next line. For example:



Note: Aligned targeting currently does not support radius targeting methods.

This feature searches for campaigns with the same name in other accounts using the same Blueprint. If targeting overlaps, Fluency gives preference to the zip codes closest to each business location by applying negative bid modifiers to the overlapping zip codes from the other account.

Note: Because aligned targeting works with bid modifiers, it is not compatible with smart bidding strategies.

If you're using local targeting around a business location but want a broader message to a wider audience, you can negate targeting in another Blueprint. For example:

New Jersey

-existing:Blueprint 1

This negates targeting from the Blueprint named "Blueprint 1" for an account tied to your current Blueprint. Remember, changing a Blueprint's name requires updating the Default Geo Strategy field.

Localized targeting

While aligned targeting spans accounts, localized targeting is for the same account. Type "Localized" followed by your geo target on the next line. For example:



Note: Localized targeting currently does not support radius targeting methods.

To use localized targeting, include an address element (e.g., street, state, city, etc.) in tag form in the campaign name, like [Georgia]. This dynamically builds a campaign for each location specified in the Georgia Locations data source. If targeting overlaps, Fluency gives preference to the business location closest to the overlapping zip code(s) by applying negative bid modifiers to overlapping zip codes.

Note: Since localized targeting works with bid modifiers, it is not compatible with smart bidding strategies.

If you're using local targeting around a business location but also want to target areas outside of your selected range in your localized campaigns, you can negate this targeting setup in another campaign using the syntax below, where the name of the campaign you want to negate is, in this example, Brand - [Florida]. Here's what the negation would look like:


Negate:Brand - Florida

In this example, the brackets ([ ]) around any tag in the campaign name are omitted.

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