Identify trends and gain performance insights with Account Performance. This tool lets you view an individual account's performance based on custom date ranges and metrics that you choose. It simplifies the process of analyzing the impact of recent changes on an account and comparing concurrent performance trends.
Configuring an account performance report
Go to Manage (globe icon) in the left menu.
Select Accounts.
Click on an account in the list.
Go to Settings & Tools under Account Actions near the top.
In the settings drawer menu, go to Account Performance.
Click the Select Metrics dropdown to select the metric(s) you'd like to compare and analyze. Check or uncheck the boxes to add or remove the following metrics:
Click Through Rate
Conversion Rate
Cost Per Click
Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per Lead
Learning Cost
Video Views
Flighted Cost
Offline Conversions
Other Conversions
Unique Impressions
If available, filter performance by channel by selecting the All, Mixed, or Search tabs.
Set a date range.
Note: The report will update automatically as you adjust its settings.
Analyzing account performance
Once you've finished configuring the metrics, filters, and date range, analyze the account's performance:
View the account's event log to analyze changes that have been made to the account.
Hover your pointer over the graph to see how changes from the event log are correlated with various spikes and dips in performance.