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Creating a campaign

Manually create campaigns in Fluency, including configuring ad groups and creatives.

Updated over a month ago

Campaigns are ideally generated through Blueprints, but there are instances when manual creation at the individual account level is necessary. To create a campaign manually, follow these steps:

  1. Initiate a new campaign

  2. Configure the campaign's settings

  3. Create ad groups

  4. Add keywords (Search campaigns only)

  5. Add extensions (Search campaigns only)

  6. Build creatives

Step #1: Initiate a new campaign

  1. Go to Manage (globe icon) in the left menu.

  2. Select Accounts.

  3. Click on the account where you'd like to create a new campaign.

  4. If this is the first campaign for the account, find the "new campaign" + icon located in the main table, and select it. For additional campaigns, click the + in the top-right of your Fluency window.

Step #2: Configure the campaign's settings

  1. Choose an advertising channel (e.g., Search, YouTube, etc.).

  2. Click to expand open each form section and input your preferences:

    • Basic Settings: Enter your campaign's basic details. Keep in mind that future bid strategies will be recommended based on your selected goal.

    • Budget Settings: Decide on a new explicit budget or select an existing shared budget. Set underspend protection and a pacing strategy.

    • Location Settings: Specify locations to include or exclude in your geographic targeting or click on the map to create a defined radius.

    • Start and End Dates: Choose a start and end date for the campaign.

    • Bidding: Choose a bid strategy from the dropdown.

    • Audiences: Select an existing audience, if configured.

      Note: The available settings depend on your chosen advertising channel. If you want to configure a campaign for a different channel, click the X in the top-right or Exit to return to the Manage table.

  3. Click Save and Continue.

Note: The Dynamic Search toggle is located in this step for creating Dynamic Search Ad campaigns. This applies to Search campaigns only.

Step #3: Create ad groups

  1. Click to expand open each form section and input your preferences:

    • Ad Group Settings: If you want a different bid type that's not listed, go back to campaign settings to adjust your goal.

      Note: The available settings depend on your chosen advertising channel. If you want to configure an ad group for a campaign in a different channel, click the X in the top-right or Exit to return to the Manage table.

  2. Click Save and Continue.

Step #4: Add keywords

Note: This step is for configuring Search campaigns only. Continue to step #6 if configuring a campaign for a different advertising channel.

  1. Input keywords for the new ad group. To set specific match types, refer to the correct match type syntax for various keyword match types and bid inclusions (as shown in the screenshot).

  2. Click Save and Continue.

Step #5: Add extensions

Note: This step is for configuring Search campaigns only. Continue to the next step if configuring a campaign for a different advertising channel.

  1. (Optional) Add an ad extension:

    • Sitelink Extensions: Links to specific pages on your site (2-4 recommended).

    • Structured Snippet Extensions: Highlights business aspects based on category type (at least one with a minimum of three values recommended).

    • Callout Extensions: Highlights business features (at least four recommended).

    • Call Extensions: Includes your business phone number.

    • Price Extensions: Showcases prices for specific products or services.

    • Image Extensions: Adds images to Search ads.

  2. (Optional) Click + Create Another Extension to add additional ad extensions.

  3. Click Save and Continue.

Step #6: Build creatives

Finally, build creatives for your new ad group.

  1. Choose a Creative Type from the dropdown and enter the necessary information. Note: If you need a different ad type, use the + Create Another Ad icon or the trash can icon to revert to the Creative Type dropdown.

  2. Click Save and Exit.

Note: If you activated the Dynamic Search toggle in step #2 for a Search campaign, you can create a Dynamic Search Ad (DSA).

Need to finish later? Click Save and Exit anytime; you can pick up right where you left off.

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