Reviewing a Blueprint before launching campaigns on a Blueprint is essential for verifying campaign details and preventing errors. Launch Review has been set up specifically for this purpose.
Navigating to Launch Review
Go to Automate (rocket icon) in the left menu.
Select Launch.
Click Review to open a popup window with detailed campaign information for a specific account (including any errors and campaigns within that account).
Resolving errors and alerts
Errors and alerts in Launch Review point to issues you should resolve prior to launch. They are organized into four categories in Fluency, depending on the severity of the issue:
Concerns (blue)
The Domain is not set for this account
Account Vertical XXXXX and Template Vertical YYYYY Do Not Match
Account Name (XXXXX) differs from name used for Ads (YYYYY)
Warnings (yellow)
Business Hours are not currently set
Site Crawler has not been run for this account
Partners (e.g., Google/Facebook) are not configured properly
Errors (red)
THIS ACCOUNT IS MARKED AS READ ONLY, launches will not publish externally
Address 1 is not set
City is not set
State/Province is not set
Postal Code is not set
Time Zone is not properly set
Other common errors
No Ads Generated. Does your account have a very long name? Is the make or model name very long? This generally happens when ad text length is too long. Make sure that within a Blueprint, you have lots of values to choose from. Fall Throughs and ad copy line breaks are items that you can add to a Blueprint to help ensure issues like these don't happen.
URLs Are Incorrect. Check that you have the correct domain listed for the account. Fluency will check the account's listed domain for URLs with a successful response when loading. If a successful response is not given, Fluency will revert URLs to the domain page entered into the system. URLs are selected by the settings within a Blueprint. If the URLs are going to an incorrect page for an advertisement, this is often due to settings within your Blueprint that need to be adjusted.
Reviewing campaign structure
Campaign Structure provides the details of the campaign you are about to launch. Click a campaign name to expand open a dropdown and review details pertaining to network targeting settings, negative keywords, ad scheduling, and ad extensions.
Downloading preview data
Within Launch Review, you have the option to download preview data. This option will export information about the campaigns you want to launch as a CSV file so you can see all the information at a glance. This feature can be useful to audit large or complex launches in a quicker format.
Switching to Audit Creative Mode
Switching to Audit Creative Mode allows you to hone in on the creative elements associated with a launch. Creative mode will enable you to ensure all text and images display properly and without issue. This mode can be helpful for launches where a user is already confident in the structure and the targeting of the advertising, but wants to do a final check on how the creatives look.