Tag functions manipulate data within your tags, saving time by allowing you to remove unwanted words, perform basic math functions, change data formats, and more.
The basics of using tag functions
To apply a function to a tag, use >> within the tag.
Tag output: [Corolla, Accord, F-150, Altima]
Output with function: [Accord, Altima, Corolla, F-150]
The tag output has been sorted alphabetically.
Sometimes, a function requires more specific parameters, usually indicated within parentheses after the function.
Tag output: [New, Used, Certified, Pre-Owned, Used, New]
Output with function: [Used, Certified, Pre-Owned, Used]
All instances of "New" have been removed from the tag output.
You can also apply multiple functions in a single tag. The functions will resolve from left to right in order of operation.
Output: [2015, 2017, 2019, 2022]
Tag output with function: [2021]
The function first selects the maximum value (2022) and then subtracts 1.
To apply functions to multiple tags, place | at the end of a group of tags.
This will replace any space in the above string of tags with the word Car.
Available tag functions
Expand the rows below for a comprehensive list of tag functions available in Fluency:
Number formatting
Number formatting
($) - No cents
($.) - With cents
Tag output: [8000]
Output with function: [$8,000]
(%) - No decimal
(%.) - 1 decimal
Tag output: [5.15]
Output with function: [5.2%]
(#) - Numerical format, 1 decimal
(,) - General # with comma
(.) - General #, no comma, 2 decimals
(,.) - General # with comma, 2 decimals
Text formatting
Text formatting
Note: We'll use the tag and output below for the function examples that follow.[fluency.founders]
Output: [ERIC, Brian, mike, scott]
LOWER - All lowercase
UPPER - All uppercase
TITLE+ - Uppercase first letter
Output: [ERIC, Brian, Mike, Scott]
TITLE - Uppercase first letter with exception
Output: [ERIC, Brian, mike, Scott]
Plural and Possessive
Note: We'll use the tag and output below for the function examples that follow.
Output: [Eric, Brian, Mike, Scott]
PLURAL - Changes to plural form
Output: [Erics, Brians, Mikes, Scotts]
POSSESSIVE - Changes to possessive form
Output: [Eric’s, Brian’s, Mike’s, Scott’s]
Removing Empty Spaces
TRIM - Removes empty spaces before and/or after text
Tag output: [Eric , Brian , Mike, Scott]
Output with function: [Eric, Brian, Mike, Scott]
Tag output: [2023]
Output with function: [2025]
SUM - Sum of all the values
Tag output: [1000, 1200, 1500, 2000]
Output with function: [5700]
AVG - Average of the values
Tag output: [1000, 1200, 1500, 2000]
Output with function: [1425]
Numbers and counting
Numbers and counting
MAX - Selects the highest number value
MIN - Selects the lowest number value, including zero
MINNONZERO - Selects the lowest number value, excluding zero
Tag output: [0, 50, 1000, 1200]
Output with function: [1200]
Tag output: [0, 50, 1000, 1200]
Output with function: [50]
COUNT - Counts the number of values
Tag output: [0, 50, 1000, 1200]
Output with function: [4]
COUNTIFOVER/COUNTIFUNDER - Counts the number of values over/under a specified condition.
Tag output: [0, 50, 1000, 1200]
Output with function: [4]
DAYSAGO - Counts the number of days between the present day and the tag dates
Tag output: [2023-10-10, 2023-10-11]
Output with function: [60, 59]
Manipulation functions
Manipulation functions
Manipulation functions are more complex functions that allow you to change and arrange tag values.
REMOVE(Remove) - Remove all instances of one data value
Tag output: [New, Used, Certified]
Output with function: [Used, Certified]
REMOVEALL(Remove1, Remove 2) - Removes all instances of specified data values
Tag output: [New, Used, Certified]
Output with function: [Certified]
REPLACE(Old Output, New Output) - Replaces all instances of one value with another
[inventory.condition>>REPLACE(Used, PreOwned)]
Tag output: [New, Used, Certified]
Output with function: [New, PreOwned, Certified]
REPLACE_IF_OVER(#, Output) - Replaces content that's over a defined character count (e.g., REPLACE_IF_OVER(30,[new headline]))
[inventory.condition>>REPLACE_IF_OVER(10, Philly)]
Tag output: [Pittsburg, Philadelphia]
Output with function: [Pittsburg, Philly]
IF(Condition, then New Output) - Replaces data value based on conditions
IFEXISTS(Condition, then New Output) - Tests the field, returns output based on existence of specified condition
Tag output: [New, Certified, Used)]
Output with function: [New, Certified, PreOwned]
NONNULL - Returns list of non-empty values
Tag output: [New, , Used, Certified, , New]
Output with function: [New, Used, Certified, Used]
SORT - Sorts alphabetically
SORT DESC - Sorts reverse alphabetically
LIMIT(#) - Returns the first instances of the number of data values specified
SHUFFLE - Randomly sorts all values
Tag output: [New, Used, Certified]
Output with function: [Certified, New, Used]
Tag output: [New, Used, Certified, PreOwned]
Output with function: [New, Used]
CONCAT - Merges separate values into a single value
CONCAT_TO(#) - Limits list length
Tag output: [New, Used, Certified]
Output with function: [New Used Certified]
SPLIT() - Separates a single value toto separate values, defines what the desired split should occur on (e.g., spaces, commas, periods, etc.)
[inventory.condition>>SPLIT( )]
Tag output: [New Used Certified]
Output with function: [New, Used, Certified]
END_AT(First Instance) - Removes the first instance of the text and everything that follows
Tag output: [Your Favorite Special]
Output with function: [Your Favorite]
END_AT_LAST(Last Instance) - Looks for the last instance of an entered value and ends the list before the entered value
Tag output: [Your Favorite Special Special Special]
Output with function: [Your Favorite Special Special]
FIELD - Returns the element's name, not the tag's value (JSON compatibility)
Other function syntax
Other function syntax
Force Pinning
When a tag might return an invalid value, use force pinning to establish a default value. This is useful for handling invalid URLs in Preferred Paths and assigning tags to specific fields in creatives.
Example: -> [preferred path tag]
Fall Throughs
Fall throughs enable you to specify an output if an initial tag fails to resolve. Add a double colon (::) at the end of a tag, followed by your desired outputs.
Example: [new-inventory.price::Call For Price]
Nested Tags
Nested tags are "tags within tags," providing a way to incorporate additional variations within the same tag.
Example: [[inventory.make] Tagline]
Using JavaScript
Using JavaScript
Functions can leverage JavaScript for more advanced outputs.
Function cheat sheet
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