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Configuring ad schedules for Blueprints
Configuring ad schedules for Blueprints

Configure ad schedules in Blueprints to optimize ad display times and budget allocation.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Ad schedules allow you to set specific times for displaying ads, such as certain days, business hours, or evenings. This enables you to showcase your ads and allocate your budget during the most relevant time frames for your target audience, leading to more impactful campaign results. There are two ways to configure ad schedules: via a Blueprint or via an individual account.

How to set up ad schedules in Blueprints

  1. Go to Automate (rocket icon) in the left menu.

  2. Select Blueprint Editor.

  3. Select a Blueprint from the list and then a campaign.

  4. Expand open the Schedule section.

  5. Select a desired strategy from the Ad Schedule Strategy dropdown.

  6. Input a Start Date and End Date, if desired.

  7. Click Save Changes.

Ad schedule strategy types

  • Blank (No Selection): Defaults to "Aggressive When Open."

  • 24/7: Bids will remain the same regardless of date or time of day. Bids are set to 100% for every hour of the week.

  • Only When Open: Ads run only during business hours.

  • Aggressive When Open: Assigns a +25% bid adjustment during business hours and a -50% bid adjustment after hours.

  • Start at Open: Ads run from the hour your business opens with a -75% bid adjustment after business hours.

  • Custom (Advanced): Create a highly customized ad schedule that scales across your portfolio.

Using the Custom (Advanced) option

The Custom (Advanced) option allows you to create customized ad schedules that scale across your portfolio. Enter your customizations under Custom Ad Schedule Instructions.

  • Day(percentage%)
    e.g., Mon(125%)

  • Use the @ symbol to specify hours
    e.g., Mon(125%@8am-5pm)

  • Chain hour ranges together with a space
    e.g., Mon(0%@12am-8am 125%@8am-5pm)

  • Chain days together with a comma
    e.g., Mon(125%),Tue(85%)


  • Days/hours that are not defined assume a nominal (100%) value. Turn days/hours off using 0%.

  • Tags are currently not supported for ad schedules.

  • Ad schedules are only applicable for Google and Microsoft campaigns.

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