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Creating PowerPoint presentations with Fuse
Creating PowerPoint presentations with Fuse

Accelerate creating monthly PowerPoint and Excel reports with Fluency Fuse.

Updated over 4 months ago

Fluency Fuse is a powerful reporting tool that automates and speeds up the creation of monthly presentations in PowerPoint and Excel. After installing the Fuse add-in, you can easily choose reporting widgets and insert them into slides. This makes it simple to create reports at scale.

Note: Fluency Fuse is a premium add-on. Contact your Advertising Engineer if you are interested in trying this feature.

Installing the Fuse add-in in PowerPoint

  1. Open PowerPoint.

  2. Check that you have the Fuse add-in installed. You should see "Fluency Deck Helper" in the top right of PowerPoint. Don't see it? Here are a couple of scenarios:

    • Scenario #1—Add-in is installed but not visible: To view it, click the Insert tab, select My Add-ins, and select Fluency Deck Helper.

    • Scenario #2—Add-in is not yet installed: To install it, click the Insert tab, and select Get Add-ins. Enter Fluency in the search box, and then click Add and then Continue. Enter your Fluency login credentials in the window that appears on the right side of the screen.

Installing Fuse in Excel

You can install Fuse in Excel using the same process as in PowerPoint. After installing the add-in and logging in with your Fluency credentials, you can effortlessly access reporting data directly in Excel. Just select a report and its associated account, and there you have it—data seamlessly integrated into Excel.

Configuring a Fuse template

Once you've installed the Fuse add-in, you can configure it and generate custom report templates. Here's how:

  1. Open a Fuse report template in PowerPoint. You can also use this template.

  2. Select Account or Customer in the report type toggle. Note: Different widgets and report sections are available based on your selection.

  3. Add widgets, report sections, and custom data to the template (more info about these tools below).

  4. Expand open the Process Presentation section in the Fuse add-in.

  5. If you're generating an account-level report, select an account. Note: Not seeing the account you want? Click the customer name at the top of the Fuse add-in to switch customers.

  6. Click Process to generate a new presentation with your custom data.

  7. (Optional) Edit and format the presentation:

    • Customize fonts, colors, etc.

    • Remove irrelevant rows and columns from tables to simplify data.


If you prefer to generate a Fuse report from within Fluency instead, go to Insights in the top menu and choose Report Designer from the dropdown. Click Process a PPT Report. In the popup window, browse or drag and drop a .pptx Fuse report template. Then, select the desired account for the report, and click Download Report.

Using widgets, report sections, and customer data


Four widgets from Fluency's Dashboard are available to use in Fuse:

  • Demographics

  • Geo Heatmap

  • Geo Target

  • Top Creatives

The example below shows a template with widgets and then the final slide output.

Report sections

Use report sections to incorporate key data into your Fuse report—for example, "highest-traffic keywords" or "account month over month % change." Here's how:

  1. Go to the Report Sections tab in Fuse.

  2. In the list of report data, click the section you want to add to your slide deck. Alternatively use the search bar to find the desired section.

  3. Adjust the size of the text box to fit the dimensions of your slide template.

Refer to the images below to see an example of a report section and its corresponding output.

Custom data

Customize your presentation with account-specific details like the account name, address, or specific metrics. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Custom Data tab in Fuse.

  2. Select Text in the "What are you looking to add?" dropdown.

  3. Select the type of text (Account, Customer, Date, Metrics, Metrics Change, Prior Metrics, User).

  4. Select from the list of available options.

  5. Click Add to Slide to insert the tag that populates, or click on the text placeholder to copy it for pasting it into a text box in your presentation.

Refer the images below to see an example of tags and their corresponding output.


If you don't have access to the Fuse plug-in, you can still manually add the custom text (in curly brackets in a text box) and the report sections (text box with SECTION:X report section) in your presentation.

See Fuse in action

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