After making changes to a Blueprint or to polling source data connected to it, you need to republish the Blueprint. Republishing ensures that all updates within the Blueprint are pushed to the impacted accounts, campaigns, or ad groups. There are two ways to republish Blueprints.
Republishing a Blueprint via a specific account
You can republish a Blueprint connected to ad elements within a specific account. Here's how:
Go to Manage in the top menu.
Click on an account in the list, and navigate to the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, or Ads tab.
Check the box(es) next to the relevant ad elements.
Choose Republish Blueprints in the blue bulk edit menu.
In the popup window that appears, click Yes I'm Sure.
Note: The robot icon in the Blueprint column will flash yellow while the Blueprint republishes. This only republishes the Blueprint for the account (and all associated advertising elements) you are working in.
Account-level Blueprint republishes should occur following:
New information is added or updated in a client polling source.
Account media collections have been updated and creatives need to be refreshed.
Republishing a Blueprint for multiple accounts
Alternatively, you can republish a Blueprint, which will impact all accounts connected to it.
Go to Blueprints in the top menu.
Click on a Blueprint in the list.
Click Republish at the top of the Blueprint.
(Optional) In the popup window that appears, select if you want to include accounts where campaigns are paused.
Select all accounts or a specific account to republish from the dropdown.
Click Republish Now to confirm the changes.
Blueprint-level Blueprint republishes should occur following:
Settings changes in a Blueprint at the campaign, ad group, or ad level.
New campaigns, ad groups, or ads are added to a Blueprint.
New tags are applied to a Blueprint.
Blueprint republishes are also required for any updates to push to accounts if the Blueprint does not have Auto Apply Changes toggled on in the Blueprint's configuration.